Official implementation of the paper “MagicDriveDiT: High-Resolution Long Video Generation for Autonomous Driving with Adaptive Control”
Interactive Medical Image Segmentation: A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
Creating a simple Go module for Backend Teams' DevOps Workflow
A lightweight html-based runtime web frontend framework
🔥🔥🔥 专业版iOS混淆工具(confuse),马甲工具包、提供ipa静态分析工具(相似度对比、敏感词检测等功能),提供试用版本,100%过机器审核,解决 AppStore 4.3,2.3.1问题,支持语言 c/c++/objc/objc++/swift 并支持各种资源改名,混淆、傻瓜化操作、一键出包,提供良好的UI界面,支持多包管理一包一特征、支持Unity3d、cocos2d全家桶、sw…
Official Implementation of ECCV2024 paper: Chat Edit 3D: Interactive 3D Scene Editing via Text Prompts
Message queue based on the AMQP model implemented using cpp code
.Net 8 、SqlSugar ORM、Vue 2.X、RBAC、前后端分离的开箱则用的企业级中后台权限管理系统
Android On_device 1:1 Face Recognition And Liveness detection;1:N & M:N Face Search SDK 。 🧒 离线版设备端Android1:1人脸识别动作活体检测,静默活体检测 以及1:N M:N 人脸搜索 SDK 封装
High-quality and streaming Speech-to-Speech interactive agent in a single file. 只用一个文件实现的流式全双工语音交互原型智能体!
This is an official PyTorch implementation for "MuSc : Zero-Shot Industrial Anomaly Classification and Segmentation with Mutual Scoring of the Unlabeled Images" (MuSc ICLR2024).
A minimal quadrotor autonomy framework in Rust (Mac, Linux, Windows)
A lightweight, high-performance go mqtt server(v3.0|v3.1.1|v5.0) supporting distributed cluster
[NeurIPS'24] "Membership Inference Attacks against Fine-tuned Large Language Models via Self-prompt Calibration"
A Vue 3 UI library, highly customizability, full TypeScript, performance pretty good.
A LLM semantic caching system aiming to enhance user experience by reducing response time via cached query-result pairs.