ng-Artisan is a content management system that build from Angular.js, Laravel, Bootstrap & Material Design Lite. We call this A-SPA (Almost-Single Page Application). This open source project is belong to Iris Team.
- Ara Koswara
- Arya Kusuma
- Derma Putra Waruwu
- Harish Adrian R.
- Krisman Nazara
- Pramesti Hatta K.
- Zufar Fatih Suhandi
- Laravel 5.1
- Angular.js 1.4.8
- textAngular
- SweetAlert
- Bootstrap
- Material Design Lite
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- Composer
Make sure you already install composer on your machine.
- cd ng-Artisan
- Composer install
- Create your db
- Make/setting your own .env
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan serve
- If you are using Apache or Nginx you should using virtual host.
- We really recommend to use virtual host
- enjoy :)
- url to Admin Page /ng-adm. example (http://localhost:3000/ng-adm)
ng-Artisan is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license