kubernetes objects
nodes: worker node
pods: smallest deployable entity of k8s. wrapper around container. every pod has its own uniq ip address.
service: to expose application inside / outside of the cluster.
clusterip: to expose application inside the cluster. used for inside communication only.
NodePort: expose application outside the cluster using Node Port.can access application by NodeIp:NodePort
LoadBalancer: export application outside the cluster on loadbalancer service.
namespace: to devide the k8s cluster. segregate the resource.
replicationcontroller: responsible for creating replicas of the pod.used equality base selector.
replicaset: responsible for creating replicas of pod.used set based selector multiple lable selector is possible. multiple lable selector is possible.
deployment: deployment is responsible for implementing deployment stratagies on replicaset
statefulset: responsible for managing the replicas of the stateful pod.
Daemonset: responsile for managing the replicas of the pods on every node
ConfigMap: to store variables
secret: to store confidantial variables