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Tags: pranayrauthu/BrowserFS



Toggle v1.4.3's commit message
Version bump, and likely the last 1.x release!

`master` will change to 2.x development.


Toggle v1.4.2's commit message
Backport a bugfix for BrowserFS.configure caused by synchronous Creat…

…e callbacks.

Previously, filesystems may not be created with the proper options.


Toggle v1.4.1's commit message
Actually test the new Worker constructor and link to new documentatio…

…n in README.

Bump to 1.4.1.


Toggle v1.4.0's commit message
Documentation improvements for 1.4.0.


Toggle v1.3.0's commit message

* XHRFS with synchronous listings download is now deprecated. Will be removed next major version (2.0).
* Made BFS amenable to API documentation. We now have API documenation. :)
* Added XHRFS static method to construct asynchronously from listings URL.


Toggle v1.2.1's commit message
1.2.1: Fixes rename in Emscripten environment.

Previously, we were not appropriately updating the Node object for renamed files,
causing certain Emscripten-compiled programs to fail.


Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
Make it a larger version bump, as it adds IsoFS.


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message
Preparing for a release.


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request jvilk#158 from jvilk/rollup-2

Use rollup and feross/Buffer


Toggle v0.6.1's commit message
v0.6.1: Fix error in XHR downloads and allow synchronous FS in AsyncM…


Turns off assertions in our calls to writeUint8 in our XHR code, since we expect to pass large values that the code clamps to 8 bits.

Also removes a restriction on AsyncMirror; now, synchronous file systems can be async mirrored. This is useful if you want to prevent synchronous XHR.