This is an E2E integration tests project for testing ParaBank application ( this project user interacts with Parabank web application and creates new accounts, carries out Bill payment transactions and perfroms relevant validations across screens.
These tests are developed in Javascript with WebDriverIO V7 and Mocha
- Javascript
- Page Object Design Pattern
- Applitools Eyes
- Spec reporter
- Allure report (screenshots on failure as well passed steps)
- SuperTest for API testing
- Automatic capture and export of API response
- Mocha awesome report for API tests
- node >= 14.x.x - how to install Node
- npm >= 6.14.x - how to install NPM
- An Applitools account and the API KEY . In case its not available then a new account can be created from
- APPLITOOLS KEY : Collect the API Key by clicking the 'My API Key' under the Applitools account section.Paste the Key in this filepath - test/testData/keys.yml
- WebdriverIO configuration is fully customizable, and different functions can be invoked before, during and after each test or test suite. Config files can be found in the
directory and end with*.conf.js
. These can be called via the the cli.
npm install
npm run e2e
npm run mobile
npm run vr
npm run api
Test reporter, that prints detailed results to console.
Run this command to generate the allure report in the directory ./test/reports/allure-report
npm run rg
You can run this command to start a server on your machine and open the allure report on the browser:
npm run ro
Mocha HTML report with ApiTestReport.html would be generated in this path - test/reports/apiTest
Responses of API services captured can be found in it respective files under path test/reports/apiResponse