Shows you the company price from the ticker symbol.
$ ticker_cli <exchange> <symbol>
$ ticker_cli US TSLA
Tesla, Inc.
Price: USD 883.09
Last change: 0.26%
$ ticker_cli ASX APT
Afterpay Limited
Price: AUD 146.00
Last change: 1.77%
Navigate inside the project dir.
Assuming you have Go installed.
Using Gox to make a binary file.
$ go get
Execute the following command as per your platform & arch.
- for linux:
gox -osarch="linux/amd64"
- for mac:
gox -osarch="darwin/amd64"
- for windows:
gox -osarch="windows/amd64"
- Other than above?
- for linux:
You'll find the binary file in the root dir of the project.