Indiana University
- Bloomington
- prateek22sri.me
graph500 Public
Forked from graph500/graph500Graph500 reference implementations
C Other UpdatedMay 10, 2022 -
Blink-led-virtex Public
Blink Led on Virtex Ultrascale+ board - VCU118
Text-genre-detection Public
A genre detection tool for classifying books according to their genres such as science fiction, science, history, math etc.
Parallel-SSSP-OpenMP Public
A parallel variant of a graph algorithm (dijkstra’s algorithm) using OpenMP on a Cray machine (XE6/XK7) and performed the benchmarking for single node up to 32 processing units
Runtime-system-benchmarking Public
Conducted a comparative analysis on scaling results for graph algorithms like single source shortest path (SSSP) algorithm using multiple runtime systems thereby reducing time to solution for graph…
Graph-Delta-Stepping-SSSP Public
A python implementation of a graph algorithm for solving the single source shortest path problem called Delta Stepping Algorithm
XNOR-net-Binary-connect Public
A hardware implementation of a feed-forward Convolutional Neural Network called XNOR-Net which has faster execution due to the replacement of vector-matrix multiplication to “XNOR + Popcount” opera…
Glowing-led Public
Implementation of Pulse Wave Modulation in verilog on Pynq-Z1 board (Zynq 7020 chip)
Sentiment-analysis Public
Implementation of opinion mining on Kaggle IMDB dataset and Stanford Large Movie Review Dataset
Implementation of a simplified GPS system using search algorithm
wedding_planner Public
Code that computes assignment of people to tables using as few tables as possible
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
HBase-word-count Public
Implementation of word count algorithm using HBase
Java UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
MapReduce-basic-statistics Public
Implementation of basic statistics such as min, max, average, and standard deviation of a given data set using MapReduce paradigm
Java UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
MapReduce-page-rank Public
Implementation of web page ranking algorithm using the MapReduce paradigm
Hadoop-BLAST Public
Implementation of "Basic Local Alignment Search Tool" in Hadoop for DNA analysis
Java UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
POS-tagger-HMM-naive-bayes Public
Part-of-Speech tagger using word count, naive bayes and hmm approach
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
Mountain-ridge-detector Public
Implementation of mountain ridge detector using monte-carlo markov chain
Email-spam-classifier Public
Spam Classifier using Naive Bayes and Decision Tree method
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
Topic-classifier Public
Implementation of Naive Bayes' classifier to classify topics from text
Image-orientation-detector Public
Implementation of K-nearest neighbors, adaptive boosting, and neural networks to detect the orientation of an image
Yahtzee Public
Implementation of the game of Yahtzee using the expecti-minimax algorithm
Part-of-speech-tagger Public
Two implementations of part-of-speech tagger. Long implementation uses Viterbi algorithm and the short uses NLTK's HMM function
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2018 -
POS-tagger-forward-backward Public
Implementation of forward-backward algorithm for part-of-speech tagging
Chess-engine Public
Chess playing engine using heuristic based minimax with alpha-beta pruning