A Personal Portfolio website The Tech Stack used : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React.js, Express.js.
This is a multipage website that is made using HTML, CSS, Javascript. There are a few pages in the website namely Home, Projects, resume and about. This website is device scalable that is,it can be viewed on small screen devices (mobiles) as well as large screen devices (PC). The multiage functionality was made using express, the website used React.js as the frontend framework. It has a Resume page where I have uploaded my resume, and a download button is also given to download the resume. The website also have social links to redirect user to the mentioned social media handles.
The link for the website hosted at MS AZURE
The link for the website hosted at Netlify
Youtube Demo video link https://youtu.be/_DJUaZ8skrc
This page gives introduction about me
The same page has a short introduction followed by my social media handels
In this page hosts all the project i have worked or been working on There is a short discription about each and a link to the github page
This page has my updated Resume, there is a download option as well.
This page gives more details about who am I and my professional Skilset and the Tools that i am comfortable to work with.
This website is hosted at Microsoft Azure, Azure static Web app was used to host the website. The Azure dashboard can be seen below.
Client: React JS
Front-end frameworks: Bootstrap, Axios
Backend-end frameworks: Express, Mongoose
Primary Azure Technology: Azure Static Web App, Visual Studio Code
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/pstricks01/pratik-s-portfolio.git
Go to the project directory
cd Server
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start