- Power up the robot by attaching a well charged battery and closing the breaker
- Power up both laptops
- Start up Visual Code on both laptops
- Connect to the 812 WiFi network on both laptops
- Start the Drivers Station on the laptop that is connected to the joysticks and confirm that it has a) Robot Communications; b) Robot Code; c) Joystick's connected.
- Open Chrome on the laptop that is connected to the joysticks and enter and confirm that the PhotonVision console is available and that you can see a camera image.
- Open Visual Code
- Open the current folder, FRC_2024
- Select the Source Control icon from the left menu
- Hover on the files to be Staged and click the '+' sign to stage the file, continue to do this for all files to be staged
- Click the '...' menu and select Commit Staged
- Enter a description of the change this commit makes to the code base
- Click the '...' menu and select Push
- Java Command Based Programming reference
- New for 2023
- NI Game Tools Download
- Radio Configuration Instructions
- CTRE Firmware is located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC
- CTRE Phoenix Tuner
- WiFi AP
- RoboRio http://roborio-812-frc.local -or-
- PhotonVision Pi http://photonvision.local/ -or-
- For 2023 we use PhotonVision https://photonvision.org/