This project implements, in pure JavaScript, and without any dependancies, a way to compute MD5 hashes from binary data.
import { MD5 } from "spu-md5";
MD5.process(new Uint8Array()) === "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
MD5.process(new Uint8Array([65])) === "7fc56270e7a70fa81a5935b72eacbe29";
const md5 = new MD5();
md5.update(new Uint8Array([65,66]))
md5.update(new Uint8Array([67,68]))
md5.toString() === "cb08ca4a7bb5f9683c19133a84872ca7"
export declare const BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
export declare const BLOCK_LENGTH = 16;
* MD5 message-digest algorithm
export declare class MD5 {
* Dynamic version of MD5.update that accepts different types to binary data as parameters.
* @param data Data to hash
* @see MD5.update
dynamicUpdate(data: Uint8Array | DataView | ArrayBuffer | Buffer): void;
* Process an array of bytes to hash.
* @param data Bytes to hash
update(data: Uint8Array): void;
* Produce the hash as a sequence of 16 bytes.
toUint8Array(): Uint8Array;
* Produce the hash as string in hexadecimal format.
toString(): string;
static process(data: Uint8Array | DataView | ArrayBuffer | Buffer): string;