fend is an arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator.
Unique features:
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic using rational numbers
- Full support for complex numbers
- D&D-style dice rolls
- Variables
- Binary, octal, hexadecimal and all other bases between 2 and 36
- Keep track of units, with support for SI, US and UK customary and many historical units
- Emacs-style CLI shortcuts
- Trigonometric functions
- Lambda calculus
See the manual for more information.
fend is available on the web at printfn.github.io/fend-website.
The easiest way to install fend locally is via your package manager.
On macOS (using Homebrew):
brew install printfn/fend/fend
On Arch Linux (using yay
yay -Syu aur/fend-bin
Using the nix package manager:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.fend
On systems with Rust:
rustup update
cargo install fend
You can also download the latest stable binaries here.
Once fend is installed, run fend
to start a REPL session:
$ fend
> 1 ft to cm
30.48 cm
- Homebrew
- AUR (built from source)
- AUR (pre-built binary)
- nixpkgs
- NPM fend-wasm package
- NPM fend-wasm-web package
- NPM fend-wasm-nodejs package
- Telegram Bot
You can find the fend manual here.
> 5'10" to cm
177.8 cm
> cos (pi/4) + i * (sin (pi/4))
approx. 0.7071067811 + 0.7071067811i
> 0b1001 + 3
> 0xffff to decimal
> 100 °C to °F
210 °F
> 1 lightyear to parsecs
approx. 0.3066013937 parsecs
> temperature = 30 °C
30 °C
> temperature to °F
86 °F
> roll d20
> roll 4d6
fend is MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.md for more information.