Python script for ascii-converting binary ISF files from TDS series Tektronix Oscilloscope instruments.
In linux command line (convert .isf to .csv)::
$ python file.isf -o ascii.csv
As the python module::
$ python
>>> from isfread import isfread
>>> data, header = isfread('file.isf')
In linux command line (convert .isf to .dat)::
$ python file.isf > ascii.dat
As the python module::
$ python
>>> from isfread_py2 import isfread
>>> data, header = isfread('file.isf')
Gustavo Pasquevich - 2011 UNLP-CONICET-Argentina
keywords: ISF, TekTronix, isfread, python
Based on matab script isfread.m by Jhon Lipp.