Shuffle is an automation platform for your security stack. It leverages docker for scaling and OpenAPI for integrations. It has the possibility to run across multiple isolated environments, and gives you powerful tools to track progress.
It's in BETA, so be careful
Check out the installation guide
Documentation can be found on or in your own instance. Currently lacking:
- API documentation
- Updates after migrating from SaaS to open source
- Premade workflows for TheHive and MISP
- Premade apps for a number of security tools
- Simple workflow editor
- App creator for OpenAPI
- Easy to learn Python library for custom apps
- Dashboard - Statistics are implemented
- Debug view for manual executions
- App versioning
Frontend - requires npm/yarn/your preferred manager. Runs independently from backend - edit frontend/src/App.yaml (line 46~) from window.location.origin to http://YOUR IP:5001
cd frontend
npm i
npm start
Backend - API calls - requires >=go1.13 and gcloud
cd backend/go-app
go build
go run *.go
Database - Datastore:
docker run -p 8000:8000 google/cloud-sdk gcloud beta emulators datastore start --project=shuffle --host-port --no-store-on-disk
Orborus - Execution of Workflows: PS: This requires some specific environment variables.
cd functions/onprem/orborus
go run orborus.go
Below is the folder structure with a short explanation
├── # :)
├── backend # Contains directly backend related code. Go with sh tests
├── frontend # Contains frontend code. ReactJS and cytoscape. Horrible code :)
├── app_gen # Contains code generation projects for OpenAPI or PythonLib -> Shuffler app
├── functions # Contains google cloud function code mainly.
│ ├── # Static code used by stitcher.go to generate code
│ ├── stitcher.go # Attempts to stitch together an app - part of backend now
│ ├── onprem # Code for onprem solutions
│ │ ├── Orborus # Distributes execution locations
│ │ ├── Worker # Runs a workflow
│ │ └── App_SDK # Backend of individual apps
│ └── triggers # Custom triggers used in
└ docker-compose.yml # Used for deployments
GCP was chosen because why not use the best thingies. "Serverless" \o/
├── languages
│ ├── Go # I like go, which is why go.
│ ├── Python3.7 # 3.7 specifically because of f-strings and 2.7 deprecation in 2020
│ ├── Javascript # Frontend stuff. Uses ReactJS + Cytoscape for visualization
│ ├── sh/Bash # Basic testing and some deployments
├── gcloud
│ ├── datastore # TODO: Move away from this
├── onprem
│ ├── Docker # Runs the same cloud functions. I didn't like the thought of proxies
Shuffle was initially built for cloud and SaaS, and a lot broke when it was moved to local execution. There will be a major overhaul to the backend specifically. I'm currently moving and updating the following:
- Create dockerfiles and a single runscript
- App creator - (Cloud function -> Docker)
- Workflows - Run workflows locally
- Dockerfiles - Load the ones that are in workflows with a new version
- Docker-compose- Frontend, backend, db & orborus
- Configuration - Write setup documentation - Did for docker
- Remove orborus? Can deploy straight, but that would be weird - Won't do this yet
- Full OpenAPI support with authentication schemes in App creator (not Oauth2 yet)
- Change workflow name
- User run statistics
- Extended result data usage, build json with answers, not just "from previous action"
- Workflows - IMPORT DEFAULT WORKFLOWS - Create some towards e.g. TheHive & MISP.
- Documentation - General documentation /docs rewrite
- API doc - 1. In Shuffle. 2. In e.g. python
- Fix scheduler
- Use variables in e.g. JSON body
- Add random secret to orborus
# 2. docker run -p 8000:8000 google/cloud-sdk gcloud beta emulators datastore start --project=shuffle --host-port --no-store-on-disk
- Mail: Use appengine and connect to sendmail
- Build from scratch (docker-compose)
- Push stable builds to Dockerhub
- Some workflows where items have multiple parents don't work.
- Fix dummy.json (GCP config) - bypass this somehow.