Just add this package in the app and ready to rock the server when it is idle.
- Enter the below command in your terminal and hit enter.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
- Then it will ask you to add path for saving a file, you can give any location or hit enter again.
- Then it will ask you passphrase, you can add password for the file or hit enter again.
- As you hit the enter your SSH Key file is generated. Here is the default location
- Navigate to your profile page on github at this link.
- Click on SSH and GPG keys link on the left.
- Click on the “New SSH Key” button.
- Give it any name in the title.
- Locate the file *.pub and open it. And copy the contents of it and paste it in Key text box.
- Press Add SSH Key button.
- Enter the below command in your terminal and hit enter.
touch ~/.ssh/config
- It will create a file in the inside the folder.
- Then enter below command and hit enter.
open ~/.ssh/config
- It will open the config file then enter below lines and save it.
Host github
HostName github.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey # authentication mechanism
User git # standard username when authenticating with git
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ---Location of file---/FileName
- Open pubspec.yml and add dependency as shown below:
url: https://github.com/priyankgandhi0/codonnier_network.git
ref: main
- Note: ref is optional and can be skipped. If you have a branch, you can change it to point to that branch.
- Navigate to your flutter project and
flutter pub get
- If this command shows an error then please close and re-open the project. And execute
flutter pub get
command again.