This package allows you to create dynamic images for the main purpose of giving you better looking social share images, a bit like the ones on GitHub. It uses ImageProcessor by James Jackson-South.
Here is an example one genrated using the code below:
Using this package you can generate the image and have it be saved as an Umbraco media item or you can get the bytes of the image and use that to save it as a file or serve it as a response in a handler etc.
To be able to use this package in your site, you first need to register the service
using Our.Umbraco.DynamicImages.Services;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
namespace CodeShare.Core.Composing
public class RegisterServicesComposer : IUserComposer
public void Compose(Composition composition)
composition.Register<IDynamicImageService, DynamicImageService>(Lifetime.Singleton);
This library can generate the image and save it as an Umbraco media item for you. Here is an example for you to use in your project and edit accordingly.
//using CodeShare.Core.Extensions;
using ImageProcessor.Imaging;
using Our.Umbraco.DynamicImages.Services;
using Our.Umbraco.DynamicImages.Settings;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
using Umbraco.Core.Events;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
using Umbraco.Core.Models.PublishedContent;
using Umbraco.Core.Services;
using Umbraco.Core.Services.Implement;
using Umbraco.Web;
namespace CodeShare.Core.Composing
[RuntimeLevel(MinLevel = RuntimeLevel.Run)]
public class ContentSavingComposer : ComponentComposer<ContentSavingComponent>
{ }
public class ContentSavingComponent : IComponent
private readonly IUmbracoContextFactory _umbracoContextFactory;
private readonly IDynamicImageService _dynamicImageService;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public ContentSavingComponent(IUmbracoContextFactory umbracoContextFactory,
IDynamicImageService dynamicImageService,
IContentTypeBaseServiceProvider contentTypeBaseServiceProvider,
ILogger logger)
_umbracoContextFactory = umbracoContextFactory;
_dynamicImageService = dynamicImageService;
_logger = logger;
public void Initialize()
ContentService.Saving += ContentService_Saving;
private void ContentService_Saving(IContentService sender, ContentSavingEventArgs e)
var autoCreateImage = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DynamicImageService:AutoCreateImage"]);
var FontFamily = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DynamicImageService:FontFamily"];
var parentFolderId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DynamicImageService:ParentFolderId"]);
using (UmbracoContextReference umbracoContextReference = _umbracoContextFactory.EnsureUmbracoContext())
var domainAddress = umbracoContextReference.UmbracoContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
var backgroundImageUrl = domainAddress + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DynamicImageService:BackgroundImage"];
foreach (var post in e.SavedEntities.Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias == "article"))
if (!autoCreateImage && !post.IsPropertyDirty("updateSocialImage")) break;
var articleTitle = post.Name;
var articleDate = post.GetValue<DateTime>("articleDate");
IPublishedContent author = GetAuthorContentItem(umbracoContextReference, post);
string authorName = string.Empty;
string authorImageUrl = string.Empty;
if (author != null)
authorName = author.Name;
authorImageUrl = GetAuthorImageUrl(domainAddress, authorImageUrl, author);
int detailsFontSize = 30;
int detailsYPosition = 530;
var textLayers = new List<TextLayer>();
//add author name
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer(authorName, "c13ea9", detailsFontSize, 180, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//add article date
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer(articleDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"), "ffffff", detailsFontSize, 615, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//add issue number
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer("73", "c13ea9", detailsFontSize, 530, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//get title layer settings
var titleTextLayerSettings = new TextLayerSettings()
Text = articleTitle.ToUpper(),
FontFamily = FontFamily,
FontSize = 90,
Colour = "ffffff",
DropShadow = false,
LineHeight = 110,
MaxLineLength = 20,
MaxLines = 3,
XPosition = 50,
YPosition = 50
//add title
var imageLayers = new List<ImageLayer>();
//get author image layer settings
var authorImageSettings = new ImageLayerSettings()
Height = 100,
Width = 100,
XPosition = 50,
YPosition = 480,
IsCircle = true,
Quality = 70,
Url = authorImageUrl
//add author image
//create new dynamic image settings to hold the layers and background image settings
DynamicImageSettings dynamicImageSettings = new DynamicImageSettings()
BackgroundImageUrl = backgroundImageUrl,
BackgroundImageQuality = 70,
ImageLayers = imageLayers,
TextLayers = textLayers
//generate the image as an Umbraco Media Item
var udi = _dynamicImageService.GenerateImageAsMediaItem(dynamicImageSettings, parentFolderId, "media", articleTitle);
if (udi != null)
var udiString = udi.ToString();
post.SetValue("socialImage", udiString);
post.SetValue("updateSocialImage", false);
sender.Save(post, raiseEvents: false);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(typeof(ContentSavingComponent), ex, "Error when trying to generate the image for this article");
e.Messages.Add(new EventMessage("Image Generation", "Error when trying to generate the image for this article", EventMessageType.Warning));
private static string GetAuthorImageUrl(string domainAddress, string authorImageUrl, IPublishedContent author)
var authorImage = author.Value<IPublishedContent>("mainImage");
if (authorImage != null)
authorImageUrl = domainAddress + authorImage?.GetCropUrl(100, 100) ?? "";
return authorImageUrl;
private static IPublishedContent GetAuthorContentItem(UmbracoContextReference umbracoContextReference, Umbraco.Core.Models.IContent post)
IPublishedContent author = null;
string authorId = post.GetValue<string>("author").Split(' ')[0];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorId))
author = umbracoContextReference.UmbracoContext.Content.GetById(Udi.Parse(authorId));
return author;
public void Terminate()
// Nothing to terminate
In the code above, I am updating a media picker called socialImage
on my article document type. I set that to the value of the udi returned from the dynamic image service after it has created the media item.
In the above example I referenced some app settings values. Here they are:
<add key="DynamicImageService:BackgroundImage" value="/img/skrift-background.png" />
<add key="DynamicImageService:FontFamily" value="Microsoft Sans Serif" />
<add key="DynamicImageService:AutoCreateImage" value="true" />
<add key="DynamicImageService:ParentFolderId" value="2186" />
You may also have noticed in the code that I am checking for and updating the value of a property with the alias updateSocialImage
. This is just so that if I wanted to manually control whether to update the social image then I can set that to true before saving.
Here is an example controller which has a method to return an image as a file:
using ImageProcessor.Imaging;
using Our.Umbraco.DynamicImages.Services;
using Our.Umbraco.DynamicImages.Settings;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Models.PublishedContent;
using Umbraco.Web;
using Umbraco.Web.Mvc;
namespace CodeShare.Web.Controllers
public class DynamicImageSurfaceController : SurfaceController
private IDynamicImageService _dynamicImageService { get; set; }
public DynamicImageSurfaceController(IDynamicImageService dynamicImageService)
_dynamicImageService = dynamicImageService;
public FileContentResult GetSkriftImage()
// You could use real Umbraco content to set these values. I have hard coded for demo purposes
var articleTitle = "Creating an author picker using contentment";
var articleDate = new DateTime(2021, 06, 01);
string authorName = "Paul Seal";
string authorImageUrl = "";
var FontFamily = "Microsoft Sans Serif";
var backgroundImageUrl = "";
int detailsFontSize = 30;
int detailsYPosition = 530;
var textLayers = new List<TextLayer>();
//add author name
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer(authorName , "c13ea9", detailsFontSize, 180, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//add article date
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer(articleDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"), "ffffff", detailsFontSize, 615, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//add issue number
_dynamicImageService.GetTextLayer("73", "c13ea9", detailsFontSize, 530, detailsYPosition, FontFamily, false)
//get title layer settings
var titleTextLayerSettings = new TextLayerSettings()
Text = articleTitle.ToUpper(),
FontFamily = FontFamily,
FontSize = 90,
Colour = "ffffff",
DropShadow = false,
LineHeight = 110,
MaxLineLength = 20,
MaxLines = 3,
XPosition = 50,
YPosition = 50
//add title
var imageLayers = new List<ImageLayer>();
//get author image layer settings
var authorImageSettings = new ImageLayerSettings()
Height = 100,
Width = 100,
XPosition = 50,
YPosition = 480,
IsCircle = true,
Quality = 70,
Url = authorImageUrl
//add author image
//create new dynamic image settings to hold the layers and background image settings
DynamicImageSettings dynamicImageSettings = new DynamicImageSettings()
BackgroundImageUrl = backgroundImageUrl,
BackgroundImageQuality = 70,
ImageLayers = imageLayers,
TextLayers = textLayers
//generate the image as a byte array
var imageBytes = _dynamicImageService.GenerateImageAsBytes(dynamicImageSettings);
//return it as a file
return File(imageBytes, "image/png", articleTitle.ToUrlSegment() + ".png");