This is a project whose main functionality is to have the entire network monitored. A ping-based scan is performed using nmap to check for new computers on the network. Each of the computers on the network is registered in a local database, which it uses to check for new computers. If new equipment is detected, it will send a notification with a telegram bot to the administrator to indicate that a new host has been detected.
It is being designed to be easily extensible through plugins, as it may allow to enhance an advanced scan with nmap or OpenVas.
bot telegram:
The Python 3 libraries that are necessary to run the project can be installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
It is also necessary to install certain utilities in Linux, these can be installed as:
sudo apt install -y nmap texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra \
texlive-lang-english python3-lxml
# or
sudo dnf install -y nmap texlive-collection-latexrecommended \
texlive-datetime texlive-tcolorbox texlive-smartdiagram \
- Management through a Telegram bot
- Periodic automatic network scans
- Manufacturer information for each MAC
- Generation of a PDF report with information from the network
- Information stored in a SQLITE database
- IP Scanning using nmap
- Generar pdf se tiene que lanzar en un hilo con la instancia de bot, para que genere el pdf tranquilamente sin bloquear el bot
- Implementar para IPv6
- EN el __init__ si la BD no existe crearla con la estrucutra basica
- nmap con mas info a una o varias IP
- Implementar escaneos con OpenVas
- Hacer un MITM, obtener mac del router (ip route) mac spoffing
- Capturar trafico tshark, tcpdump, etc
- PyTaskIO puede ser interesante para cola de tareas de los procesos en ejecucion
- Usar un contenedor docker para la compilacion de latex
- Investigar si añadir funcionalidad con docker (openvas)
- Escaneos automaticas AP con visibilidad??
- Escaneo dispositivos bluetooh visibles
- Repaso bot proxmox usando bot scan network