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File Management
Image Naming Convention
Copyedit comments
Archival Hyperlinks
Checklist comment
Handover comment
Closing comment
Opening comment Phase 0
Phase change comment 1 to 2
Phase change comment 2 to 3
Phase change comment 3 to 4
Phase change comment 4 to 5
Phase change comment 5 to 6
Phase change comment 6 to 7
Tracking lesson phase changes
Lesson announcements
Workflow Guidance
Posting schedule
Markdown Template
Schedule and Circulation
Call for Proposals
Call for Editors
Call for Reviewers
Editorial Team Admin
Board of Trustees Admin
Directory of Open Access Journals
Defining Difficulty
Maintenance Workflow
Agreed Terminology for PH en français
Agreed Terminology for PH em português
- Organisational Structure
- Trustee Responsibilities
- Trustee and Staff Roles
- Services to Publications
- Funding
This wiki contains Project Documentation for The Programming Historian, as well as pages concerning policies agreed by the Project Team Board, and generally of use only to the project team. These documents are currently only available in English.
Resources for members and those supporting them
- Onboarding-Process-for-New-Editors - NEW EDITORS PLEASE START HERE.
- Leading-a-Shadowing-process - Guidelines for conducting an effective shadowing process.
- Board-of-Director---Continuing-Development - Resources for trustees of the charity
- Ombudsperson Role - Description of the role of the ombudsperson (one per publication)
Contributing to the website & other technical services
- Making Technical Contributions to the website. This includes adding new pages, files, or otherwise adapting site content
- Creating Blog Posts
- Service Integrations
- Brand Guidelines
- French Translation Documentation
- Technical Tutorial on Translation Links
- Technical Tutorial on Setting Up a New Language
- Technical Tutorial on Search - Instructions on how full text search works and how to add new languages
- Twitter Bot - General info. about the Twitter Bot + instructions for removing a lesson from the pipline when a lesson must be retired.
- Twitter bot spreadsheet
- Achieving-Accessibility-Alt-text-Colour-Contrast
- Achieving-Accessibility:-Training-Options
- Achieving Sustainability: Copyediting, Typesetting, Archival Links, Copyright Agreements - information about our sustainability support steps.
- Achieving Sustainability: Lesson-Maintenance-Workflow - information on how lesson maintenance is undertaken.
- Achieving Sustainability-Agreed-terminology-PH-em-português - a collaborative glossary of terms for the PT team
- The Programming Historian Digital Object Identifier Policy (April 2020) - information on what DOIs are and our approach to them, including guidance on minor/major edits and in what cases they trigger new versions of articles, and in turn new DOIs.
- How to Request a new DOI
- ProgHist-services-to-Publications - status of services offered to Publications by ProgHist Ltd
- Service-Agreement-Publisher-and-Publications - The agreement for services/expectations between the Publications and the Publishing Teams
- Requesting Translation Guidelines. Information on how to most efficiently and colleagially ask for help with translation of core site content.
- Neutral-Political-Policy - guidance on our policies regarding political or cultural statements.
- Institutional Credit for Editorial Work - a page dedicated to helping Editors on the project get "credit" for their work.
Processes and Policies for Spending or Raising Money
- Spending-Requests-and-Reimbursement - our policy on how to make a request to spend ProgHist Ltd funds.
- Project Costs - information on things we pay for at present or would like to pay for.
- Funding Opportunities - a list of grant calls and funds we might approach.
- ProgHist-services-to-Publications - status of services offered to Publications by ProgHist Ltd
- Donations and Fundraising Policies - information on accepting and raising money.
- Privileges-and-Responsibilities-of-Membership
- Admin-when-team-members-step-down
- Team-Leader-Selection-Process
- Managing-Editor-Handover
- Checklist-for-Sabbaticals
- New Publications Policy
- Parental Leave Policy
- Editorial Team - information on the Editorial Team and its functions and responsibilities
Description and remit of the subteams that form the 'publisher', providing infrastructure and support to the publications
- Technical Team - information on the Technical Team and its functions and responsibilities
- Communication Team - information on the role of the Communication Manager and its functions and responsibilities
- Global Team - information on the Global Team and its functions and responsibilities
- ProgHist Ltd - information on the scope of ProgHist Ltd, who does what, and rules to follow.
@ handles for each team and the most up-to-date list of members can be found at https://github.com/orgs/programminghistorian/teams/project-team/teams.
- Service Integrations - a list of external services used in the running of the project, as well as details about those services and who administers them on behalf of the team.
- Brand Guidelines - information on logos, fonts, titles, etc.
- Privileges-and-Responsibilities-of-Membership
- Programming Historian Governance - information on how we make decisions.
- Meeting Report Template - for team leaders prior to Editorial Board meetings
- Meeting Minutes Template - for Editorial Board secretary for Editorial Board meetings
- Admin-when-team-members-step-down
- Managing-Editor-Handover - guidance for the transition between Managing Editors.
- Checklist-for-Sabbaticals - for members of the editorial board considering a sabbatical from the project.
- New Publications Policy - information for anyone seeking to put together a new team focused on another language.
- Protocol for organising events - information on how to organise and promote events.
For more on wikis see the GitHub Guide on Mastering Wikis.
- Copyediting
- Copyedit comments
- Typesetting
- Archival Hyperlinks
- Copyright
- Gallery image
- Checklist comment
- Handover comment
- Closing comment
- Opening comment Phase 0
- Phase change comment 1 to 2
- Phase change comment 2 to 3
- Phase change comment 3 to 4
- Opening comment Phase 4
- Phase change comment 4 to 5
- Phase change comment 5 to 6
- Phase change comment 6 to 7
- Tracking lesson phase changes
- Organisational Structure
- Trustee Responsibilities
- Trustee and Staff Roles
- Services to Publications
- Funding
- Onboarding-Process-for-New-Editors
- Leading-a-Shadowing-process
- Board-of-Director---Continuing-Development
The Ombudsperson Role
Technical Guidance
- Making Technical Contributions
- Creating Blog Posts
- Service Integrations
- Brand Guidelines
- French Translation Documentation
- Technical Tutorial on Translation Links
- Technical Tutorial on Setting Up a New Language
- Technical Tutorial on Search
- Twitter Bot
- Achieving-Accessibility-Alt-text-Colour-Contrast
- Achieving-Accessibility:-Training-Options
Editorial Guidance
- Achieving Sustainability: Copyediting, Typesetting, Archival Links, Copyright Agreements
- Achieving Sustainability: Lesson Maintenance Workflow
- Achieving Sustainability-Agreed-terminology-PH-em-português
- Training and Support for Editorial Work
- The-Programming-Historian-Digital-Object-Identifier-Policy-(April-2020)
- How to Request a New DOI
- Service-Agreement-Publisher-and-Publications
- ProgHist-services-to-Publications
- Technical Tutorial on Setting Up a New Language
- Editorial Recruitment
Social Guidance
- Project Costs
- Spending-Requests-and-Reimbursement
- Funding Opportunities
- Invoice Template
- Donations and Fundraising Policies
Human Resources
- Privileges-and-Responsibilities-of-Membership
- Admin-when-team-members-step-down
- Team-Leader-Selection-Process
- Managing-Editor-Handover
- Checklist-for-Sabbaticals
- New Publications Policy
- Parental-Leave-Policy
Project Management
Project Structure
Board of Trustees