A little experiment in that you can grow fractal trees.
Pow: how many times the next branch will be shorter than the next;
Coef: how long will be the trunk of the tree;
Angle 1: the rotation of the first (left) branch relatively to its previous;
Angle 2: the same as Angle 1, but for the second (right) branch;
Power: how many times the branch-drawing recursion will run;
Start position x and y: the position where the trunk stands;
Starting angle (rad): the initial rotation of the trunk (default is up);
Style: the style of the branches - it can be "round", "square" or "butt".
Boldness: should be named "Thickness", all branches' thickness will be multiplied by this cooficient;
And the last one, Background color (HEX): copy the needed background color (HEX, also called RGB) with a # sign and you're done!