Convert .bam to .fastq and remove reads with remnant PacBio adapter sequences
- BamTools
- pigz
Add script and database to your path using:
export PATH=$PATH:[PATH TO HiFiAdapterFilt]
export PATH=$PATH:[PATH TO HiFiAdapterFilt]/DB
bash [ -p file Prefix ] [ -l minimum Length of adapter match to remove. Default=44 ] [ -m minimum percent Match of adapter to remove. Default=97 ] [ -t Number of threads for blastn. Default=8 ] [ -o outdirectory prefix Default=. ]
All flags are optional.
If no -p argument is provided, the script will run on all sequence files (.bam, .fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz) in the working directory.
- {prefix}.contaminant.blastout (Output of BLAST search)
- {prefix}.blocklist (Headers of PB adapter contaminated reads to be removed)
- {prefix}.filt.fastq.gz (Fastq reads free of PB adapter sequence ready for assembly)
- {prefix}.stats (File with simple math on number of reads removed, etc)
If this script is useful to you, please cite the following in your publication:
author = {Sim, Sheina B. and Corpuz, Renee L. and Simmonds, Tyler J. and Geib, Scott M.},
title = {HiFiAdapterFilt, a memory efficient read processing pipeline, prevents occurrence of adapter sequence in PacBio HiFi reads and their negative impacts on genome assembly},
journal = {BMC Genomics},
volume = {23},
number = {1},
pages = {157},
ISSN = {1471-2164},
DOI = {10.1186/s12864-022-08375-1},
url = {},
year = {2022},
type = {Journal Article}
Sheina B. Sim
US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Service
Hilo, Hawaii, 96720 USA
[email protected]
This script is in the public domain in the United States per 17 U.S.C. § 105