Hi there! This is my place where I'm putting all the scripts and config files regarding Windows Hello For Business configuration.
Scripts from this repo will help you with Windows Hello for Business LAB deployment. LAB contains the following resources:
- Resource Groups (rg-ad-neu, rg-network-neu, rg-mgmt-neu, rg-srv-neu, rg-wks-neu)
- Virtual network (vnet-main-neu - X.X.0.0/24, with subnets snet-adds-neu X.X.0.0/27, snet-wks-neu X.X.0.32/27, snet-srv-neu X.X.0.64/27)
- Domain Controller (vm-adds01-neu
- AD CS Server (vm-pki01-neu,
- Hyper-V server (vm-hv01-neu,
All test machines should be deployed under the Hype-V server to simulate TPM usage.
- Configure-ADCS.ps1 - Script used to Configure AD CS services
- Configure-ADDS.ps1
- Create-ResourceGroup.ps1
- Create-VirtualNetwork.ps1
- Steps.ps1
To deploy the environment open Steps.ps1 file and proceed according to the instructions.
Scripts wlak through is available here