- California
Kloudless JavaScript and Node.js SDK: Integrate several cloud apps with a single API
Drop-in calendar event booking tool for your app's users that integrates with Google, Outlook, Exchange, and CalDAV..
The Kloudless File Picker is a file chooser and uploader for apps that integrates with 20+ cloud storage services with a few lines of code
The iOS SDK for the Kloudless Platform
pseudonumos / watchdog
Forked from gorakhargosh/watchdogPython library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
Random Berkeley 12-hour Hackathon in 2009 (search for a product and receive SMS for the lowest prices at specific stores near you)
Final Project for my robotics class involving some c++ threading... missing some framework files 3 years later @.@
Lego Mindstorms FTW! Build a car that plays mario and parks itself!
Wanted to implement and try out some object tracking
My independent project for my digital image processing course that became a research publication
My attempt to interface to a Hokuyo as a side project in sophomore year
Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.