Sadly I can no longer provide support for this project owing to the demise of my Mac.
I'm happy to leave this here as a resource and merge in any pull requests but I'm no longer in a position to fix bugs or add features etc.
Significantly, OmniFocus 3 has been announced for Q1 2018 which will almost certainly break compatibility with ofexport2.
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Export from OmniFocus to various other formats:
of2 -o mindmap.opml
of2 -duesoon -o todo.txt
of2 -remaining -o whatsleft.taskpaper
of2 -flagged -duesoon -o important.csv
- ofexport2
- Release Notes
- Support
- Documentation
- Overview
- Audience
- How it works
- Installation
- Uninstallation
- Quick Start
- Advanced Usage
- ofexport vs ofexport2
- Other Approaches Considered
- Known Issues