is an extension for telescope.nvim that provides its users with option to browse ndmitchell/hoogle database.
-- These are the default options.
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
hoogle = {
render = 'default', -- Select the preview render engine: default|treesitter
-- default = simple approach to render the document
-- treesitter = render the document by utilizing treesitter's html parser
renders = { -- Render specific options
treesitter = {
remove_wrap = false -- Remove hoogle's own text wrapping. E.g. if you uses neovim's buffer wrapping
-- (autocmd User TelescopePreviewerLoaded setlocal wrap)
Local installation of hoogle available on the path.
- tree-sitter-html - required by the treesitter preview render. The easiest method to install is to use nvim-treesitter plugin.
Now supports hoogle list
:Telescope hoogle list
Runnnin hoogle list
will display propmp window and once more than 3 chars are inserterd you will be presented with result from hoogle.
Filepath for the binary hoogle
" path can be expanded
:Telescope hoogle list bin=~/hoogle