A collection of order related linting rules for stylelint (in a form of a plugin).
npm install stylelint-order
Add stylelint-order
to your stylelint config plugins array, then add rules you need to the rules list. All rules from stylelint-order need to be namespaced with order
Like so:
// .stylelintrc
"plugins": [
"rules": {
// ...
"order/declaration-block-order": [
"order/declaration-block-properties-alphabetical-order": true
// ...
: Specify the order of content within declaration blocks.declaration-block-properties-specified-order
: Specify the almost strict order of properties within declaration blocks.declaration-block-properties-alphabetical-order
: Specify the alphabetical order of properties within declaration blocks.declaration-block-property-groups-structure
: Require or disallow an empty line before property groups.
and declaration-block-properties-alphabetical-order
code and readme are based on declaration-block-properties-order
rule which was a stylelint's core rule prior stylelint 8.0.0.