Tags: psx95/collect
Upgrade to JavaRosa 2.15.0-SNAPSHOT to prepare for a beta (getodk#3188)
Change JNI stub names (getodk#3141) Use "lib" prefix on JNI stubs so the app installs on API 21 - 25 emulators.
Merge pull request getodk#3121 from lognaturel/update-translations Update translations for May release
Add Mapbox SDK as a map display engine (online map support only) (get… …odk#3074) * Add a MapFragment that uses the Mapbox SDK, and offer it in the settings. * Read the map prefs when launching the map, not only when constructing the widget. * Update the Geo unit tests to pass in the KEY_MAP_SDK extra. * Update README.md with instructions on configuring a Mapbox access token. * Fix long-press detection on Mapbox.
Add Malay, remove languages not in Transifex (getodk#3056) Add Malay, remove languages not in Transifex
Remove check for Aggregate 0.9 legacy servers (getodk#3038) The odds of servers of this type still running are low. If there are some, it would be good for the users to hit an issue and complain so they can be urged to upgrade away from ~8-year-old servers. The implementation was wrong anyway because it looked for a Location header rather than looking at the X-OpenRosa-Version header.