An R package for generating additional bioclimatic variables.
Please check out for an updated demo of the R package.
The original precomputed set of rasters are hosted at the University of Michigan here.
August 2023 -- envirem v3.0: The envirem package has been substantially updated such that previously written scripts that use the envirem package will no longer run and will need to be updated. Under the hood, this package no longer depends on raster and rgdal and now uses SpatRaster objects with the terra package. From the user's perspective, some functions have been renamed.
replaced bygenerateEnvirem()
replaced bynamingScheme()
Previously, the envirem package provided the capability to split input rasters into tiles, process those, and merge the resulting rasters back together. We have removed this feature, as the R package terra's ability to manage large rasters and memory requirements is superior to anything we can do here.
Title, P. O., & Bemmels, J. B. (2018). ENVIREM: An expanded set of bioclimatic and topographic variables increases flexibility and improves performance of ecological niche modeling. Ecography, 41, 291–307.