sipping coffee
Cybersecurity enthusiast | web developer
lubotics-backend Public
Lubotics is an e-commerce site of robot products. Developed by Jhon Bayquen, Patrick Castro, Angelo Erasmo, Julius Nocon, Neal San Andres.
LOIC Public
Forked from NewEraCracker/LOICLow Orbit Ion Cannon - An open source network stress tool, written in C#. Based on Praetox's LOIC project. USE ON YOUR OWN RISK. WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES.
C# Other UpdatedMay 3, 2022 -
LFISuite Public
Forked from D35m0nd142/LFISuiteTotally Automatic LFI Exploiter (+ Reverse Shell) and Scanner
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2022 -
TCM-Security-Sample-Pentest-Report Public
Forked from hmaverickadams/TCM-Security-Sample-Pentest-ReportSample pentest report provided by TCM Security
UpdatedMar 18, 2022 -
csi-osint-tool-frontend Public
Forked from aerasmo/csi-osint-tool-frontendCreated with CodeSandbox
HTML UpdatedJul 13, 2021 -