AntWare is a project I created to protect browsers from information-stealing malware (grabbers/stealers/rats). It moves the user information to another folder that the user chooses where it will be created and forces the browser to use the new location, making it impossible for malware to find the information from the browsers, as it is no longer in the default location.
I added the discord app option as many users use it and a lot of malware steals the tokens saved inside the discord folders. It is in testing.
Before using the file, I have to warn you of some important points, PowerShell may not want to run this script because of its execution policy, you must use the code below with PowerShell in the administrator so that it lets run the code. After using the code, and the file, you should return the policy to what it was before.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
after using AntWare, switch back to RemoteSigned or Restricted.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Restricted ( pattern )
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope LocalMachine
- This file like many other internet files that are for powershell is detected as virus, so to download it disable your antvirus.
- Close your browser and see in your Task Manager if it is not working in the background
- Download the archives
- Go to the properties of the powershell file ( ps1 ) and unlock it if necessary.
- Choose where the navegator folder will be created
- Open the "run.bat" file and accept that it runs the pwoershell file as an administrator
- Enter the directory you want the new browser folder to be in
- Choose which browser/app you want to protect
- Choose whether you want to revert or protect the browser/app
I created this project to help those who suffer from this type of malware. But as it is in testing I am not responsible if there is an error on your computer, this file messes with the folders of your browser. Credits for ME