Branch selector
User selector
Commit History
Commits on Apr 11, 2024
SCORM NOJIRA: transition master to 24-SNAPSHOT, including GradingService migration (sakaiproject#64)
SCORM SCO-169: protect against possible NPE when accessing existing gradebook comment (sakaiproject#49)
SCORM SCO-163: Prevent erroneous negative score in gradebook when module does not record value for 'cmi.score.scaled' (sakaiproject#43)
SCORM SCO-162: "Previous learner" & "Next learner" links navigate users in an arbitrary order (sakaiproject#42)
SCORM SCO-160: Steal the Wicket specific Sakai date-picker and spinner button from site-stats (sakaiproject#40)
SCORM SCO-159: improve package validation, error, and success messaging around the upload process (sakaiproject#39)
SCORM SCO-156: setting the open date to the future hides the module from the instructor (sakaiproject#36)
SCORM SCO-152: update javax dependencies, update GradebookExternalAssessmentService method signatures (sakaiproject#31)
SCORM SCO-148: intraNavBar isn't structured/styled properly/consistently for Sakai 11+ (sakaiproject#26)