Hi there ๐
Here are a few projects im working on:
Ewibs is an onging project where I'm trying to build a framework that lets you build websites through an application and compile it through cli. The idea is to have the app generate code that can version controlled through git so you can make use of all common tools that are available in git and node.
SPB is a suite of tools that help you bundle a simple website setup by compiling / transpiling a veriety of language (including ts, sass, pug and so on) into a dist folder you can then just upload to wherever you are hosting it.
The SPB suite is split into 4 seperate systems:
| core containing all bundling functionallity.
| dev-server a webserver with hot reload functionallity for an easier development process.
| CLI the command line interface for SPB.
- APP (Coming soon)
Ts bundler is a very simplified typescript transpiler that recursively resolves all imported modules and creates 1 output bundle. It also allowes for watching for changes in any of the imported or entry modules and publishes update through rxjs.
I was littlebit bored once so i decided to create a little js dialect called simon / simonlang and a transpiler from simonlang to plainjs. I've now extended the toolset a bit and created a language support plugin for vscode
DCE gives the option to create a dom element, attach it to a parent and assign multiple attributes through a function instead of individually.
- tresor.rothert.cc - repo: A small exploration into combining sound and an endless scroll animation ๐