Home of Zeemz related short stories of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series by Monique Finley.
"Poseidon Knows" is the short story that inspired the blockchain based augmented reality digital trading card game, Zeemz: The Versipisces Secret.
Terra Damnata, Book 1 of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series - Live
Ignes Fatui, Book 2 of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series - In work
Anareta Ego, Book 3 of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series- Coming Soon
TBD, Book 4 of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series
TBD, Book 5 of the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series
Github: https://github.com/pushingbhutons/zeemz-ann
Bitcointalk: Coming Soon
Medium: Coming Soon
- link Zeemz Pre-Alpha Site
- Link tPBV, ZMZB, ZMZLR, PBTD, PBIF, and PBAE contract addresses from the Ethereum Mainnet
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