Asterisk ARI Hide 'n' Seek
This provides a simple Hide 'n' Seek game that demonstrates the Asterisk Rest Interface (ARI) in a fun way.
This game has a few dependencies, such as the "websocket" and "ari-client" npm modules, which are listed in the package.json file. To install these, simply run the following from your command line.
npm install
In order to use ARI applications, you will need to enable Asterisk's HTTP server, as well as enabling ARI. A simple http.conf file you can use would be the following
enabled = yes
bindaddr =
bindport = 8088
A simple ari.conf file you can use would be the following
enabled = yes
allowed_origins = *
type = user
password = asterisk
Note that the code in the hide 'n' seek application has the built-in assumption that they can use ARI as user "asterisk" with password "asterisk". If you wish to use a different username and password combination, you will need to set ari.conf to use your desired username and password, and alter the ````client.connect()``` line in client.js to use the appropriate HTTP URI, username and password you would like.
Once you have ARI configured, you will need to provide a way for incoming calls to reach your ARI application. The application name is "hide-n-seek". It is suggested that you provide two entry points to the application, one for hiders and one for seekers. The following is a suggested dialplan:
exten => 500,1,NoOp()
same => n,Stasis(hide-n-seek,hider)
same => n,Hangup()
exten => 501,1,NoOp()
same => n,Stasis(hide-n-seek,seeker)
same => n,Hangup()
With this setup, callers who dial 500 will be hiders, and callers who dial 501 will be seekers.
Once you have Asterisk configured, and you have the prerequisites installed, running the app simply requires you to start Asterisk, and then run the following with HOST and PORT set to your Asterisk HOST and PORT
export HOST=http://localhost
export PORT=8088
node app.js
from your checkout of this repo. The client will connect to Asterisk and will be ready to accept incoming calls.
Point your browser at http://localhost:3000