This is wildly speculative software. It works in a few cases. It breaks in all the rest. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Not valid with any other offer. Void where prohibited.
Here's what I've been doing:
$ cd perl-project
$ yardoc -e ../yard-perl-plugin/lib/yard-perl-plugin.rb lib/**/*.pm
YARD then transforms my ragtag bunch of (regularly formatted) Perl modules into fine, high-quality documentation.
At present, this module will:
- Work with YARD 0.6 -- and likely beyond!
- Parse most Perl!
- Support for this is provided by Textpow, via the TextMate Perl.plist (slightly modified)
- Parse a package declaration
- Parse a named sub declaration
- Parse documentation comments
- Handle subroutine visibility
- Subroutines declared before a 'use namespace::clean' are marked private
- Subroutines named with a leading '_' are marked protected
- Handle subroutine parameters
- Parameters are inferred from the first few assignments of the subroutine
- Assignments that
off @_ will populate a single parameter - Assigning from @_ in list context will further populate parameters
- Handle method scope
- If the first parameter name is 'self' or 'instance', instance scope is assumed
- If the first parameter name is 'class' or 'package', class scope is assumed
- If the first parameter name is 'receiver', 'invocant', or 'class_or_self', it is assumed the method may be called as either a class or instance method
- If the first parameter name cannot be recognized, instance scope is assumed
- It is recognized that this is sub-optimal; suggestions welcomed
- Support the @group tag
- This tag applies to all method declarations following, until the next @group tag or a corollary @endgroup tag
- Methods in a group are given their own heading in the documentation
- This can be used to emulate, for example, a documented export list
- Provide syntax highlighting for HTML output
- Support for this is provided by Textpow, via the TextMate Perl.plist (slightly modified)
This module won't:
- Do much else