An Ansible playbook that sets up an Ubuntu-based server with reasonable security, auto-updates, e-mail notifications for S.M.A.R.T. and Snapraid errors. Currently being completely rewritten
It assumes a fresh Ubuntu Server 20.04 install, access to a non-root user with sudo privileges and a public SSH key. This can be configured during the installation process.
The playbook is mostly being developed for personal use, so stuff is going to be constantly changing and breaking. Use at your own risk and don't expect any help in setting it up on your machine.
- Wolfgang for putting it all togather in his infra project.
- David Stephens for his Ansible NAS project. This is where I got the idea and "borrowed" a lot of concepts and implementations from.
- Jeff Geerling for his book, Ansible for DevOps and his Ansible 101 series on YouTube.
- Jonathan Hanson for his SSH port juggling implementation.
- Alex Kretzschmar and Chris Fisher from Self Hosted Show for introducing me to the idea of Infrastracture as Code
- TylerAlterio for the mergerfs role
- Jake Howard and Alex Kretzschmar for the snapraid role