Thank you for your interest in Narrator. This document will get you started with our prototype implementation. If you have any problems, we will do our best to resolve them as soon as possible. Narrator is accepted by ACM CCS'22, see list of accepted papers for more details. You can download the paper here.
Narrator is a performant distributed system, which contains
- AliCloud Deployment Script of Narrator
- Initialization Script
- AppEnclave AppEnclave's Core Code
- common AppEnclave's basic communication protocols code includes cryptographic algorithms and SGX attestation protocol
- host AppEnclave's function implementation code
- host/network AppEnclave's communication channel implementation code
- ServerEnclave ServerEnclave's Core Code
- common ServerEnclave's basic communication protocols code includes cryptographic algorithms and SGX attestation protocol
- host ServerEnclave's function implementation code
- host/network ServerEnclave's communication channel implementation code
- tendermint-ansible Tendermint Deployment Script
Narrator is a system based on decentralized trust to provide performant state continuity protection for cloud TEEs, which contains 4 important components: system initialization without using trusted central entity, state update protocols, state read protocol, and AEs’ and SEs’ restart protocol. Details about implementation of 4 components can be found in Overview of Implementation.
We have prepared an automated environment deployment script( for Narrator. Please ensure your machine supports SGX. We chose AliCloud for our test environment. We choose the model ”ecs.c7t.xlarge” as an instance, this instance is equipped with 8GB RAM, a 4v CPU (Intel Xeon Platinum 8369B @ 3.5GHz), and 4GB EPC (Enclave Page Cache). Here is the detial for this instance. If you want to deploy your own environment, please refer to the following links on how to setup the DCAP Attestation Service in your environment:
- Intel SGX DCAP Quick Install Guide
- Setting up Open Enclave to use DCAP
- Attestation on OE SDK
- Configure OE SDK SGX on Linux in non-ACC Machines
- Intel® SGX Services for ECDSA Attestation
As overview says, Narrator include three parts, tendermint, ServerEnclave and Appenclave.
cd tendermint-ansible
python3 network deploy # deploy tendermint program
python3 network start # start tendermint network
python3 network stop # start tendermint network
python3 network fetch-logs # sync other peers logs
# For testing
curl -s '"narrator"' #Commit a tx
curl -s '"narrator"' #Query a tx
./ install # Install the necessary environment
./ build # Build Narrator
./ Serverenclave # Start Serverenclave
./ Appenclave # Start Appenclave