JavaScript helper methods to retrieve congressional district numbers and U.S. state using U.S. zip code
****Based on the 113th congressional districts Data Source
- $ npm install congressional-districts --save
var districts = require('congressional-districts');
###Retrieve an array of all the district numbers from a specified zip code
var zipcode = "12345";
var zipcode = 12345;
var returnedDistricts = districts.getDistricts(zipcode);
//returnedDistricts is now an array of district strings(["1","3"]);
//***Note: will return an empty array if the zip code was not found;
###Confirm that a zipcode is part of a specified district
var zipcode = 12345;
var district = 3;
var confirmed = districts.confirm(zipcode, district);
//this will return true if it is found, false if it isn't, and a -1 if the zip code was not found
###Retrieve the number of districts for a specified state
var state = "North Carolina"; //syntax is not too important, as long as there is either a " " or "_" between words
var numberOfDistricts = districts.getNumOfDistricts(state);
//numberOfDistricts will now contain a number corresponding to the number of districts for the state inputted
**** The data for this pluggin is likely to change yearly if not more, so create an issue if it is out of date, and I will try and update if possible