is a command line utility with which you can track changes in JSON data delivered by a shell command or a web (HTTP/HTTPS) API. jsonwatch
requests data from the designated source repeatedly at a set interval and displays the differences when the data changes. It is similar but not isomorphic in its behavior to how watch(1) with the -d
switch works for plain-text data.
requires Python 2.7 or 3.x. It has been tested on Debian 7, Ubuntu 12.04 and Fedora 20.
The following instructions cover installing jsonwatch
with Python 2.7.
1. Install Setuptools for Python. On Debian and Ubuntu you can do this with
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
On Fedora do
su -
yum install python-setuptools
2. Clone the repository then run
sudo python setup.py install
The command jsonwatch
will be installed.
Testing jsonwatch
$ jsonwatch -n 1 -c "echo '{ \"filename\": \"'\$(mktemp -u)'\"}'"
"filename": "/tmp/tmp.ZYFQ5RwGN5"
2014-03-16T22:40:08.130170 .filename: /tmp/tmp.ZYFQ5RwGN5 -> /tmp/tmp.Pi0WXp2Aoj
2014-03-16T22:40:09.133995 .filename: /tmp/tmp.Pi0WXp2Aoj -> /tmp/tmp.2U181cBL2L
2014-03-16T22:40:10.137640 .filename: /tmp/tmp.2U181cBL2L -> /tmp/tmp.i5sGwYig4S
2014-03-16T22:40:11.141320 .filename: /tmp/tmp.i5sGwYig4S -> /tmp/tmp.Sv0s60LuoT
2014-03-16T22:40:12.144990 .filename: /tmp/tmp.Sv0s60LuoT -> /tmp/tmp.skSIruBLfQ
Cryptocurrency daemon information (including balance changes).
$ jsonwatch --no-initial-values -c "dogecoind getinfo"
2014-03-18T14:16:57.855226 .blocks: 145779 -> 145780
.blocks: 145780 -> 145781
.difficulty: 1316.42722979 -> 1178.89009968
2014-03-18T14:19:13.921734 .connections: 8 -> 7
2014-03-18T14:19:39.128119 .connections: 7 -> 8
Weather tracking.
$ jsonwatch -u http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather\?q\=Kiev,ua --no-initial-values -n 300
+ .rain.1h: 0.76
- .rain.3h: 0.5
.dt: 1395086402 -> 1395089402
.main.temp: 279.07 -> 278.66
.main.temp_max: 279.82 -> 280.15
.main.temp_min: 277.95 -> 276.05
.sys.message: 0.0353 -> 0.0083
Geolocation. (Try this on a mobile device.)
$ jsonwatch -u http://freegeoip.net/json/ --no-initial-values -n 300
is distributed under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE
for details.