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Kleborate is a tool to screen Klebsiella genome assemblies for:

  • MLST sequence type
  • species (e.g. K. pneumoniae, K. quasipneumoniae, K. variicola, etc.)
  • virulence genes: ybt, clb, iro and iuc loci, and the rmpA and rmpA2 hypermucoidy genes
  • antimicrobial resistance genes, including quinolone resistance SNPs and colistin resistance truncations
  • K and O capsule types, via Kaptive

If you use Kleborate, please cite this preprint:

Lam MMC, Wick RR, Wyres KL, Gorrie C, Judd LM, Brisse S, et al. Frequent emergence of pathogenic lineages of Klebsiella pneumoniae via mobilisation of yersiniabactin and colibactin. bioRxiv 2017. Note. this preprint serves as a citation for only the yersiniabactin and colibactin typing schemes. A manuscript describing the Kleborate software in full is currently in preparation.

Table of Contents


Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) is a commensal bacterium that causes opportunistic infections, with a handful of hypervirulent lineages recognised as true human pathogens. Evidence is now mounting that other Kp strains carrying acquired siderophores (yersiniabactin, salmochelin and aerobactin) and/or the genotoxin colibactin are also highly pathogenic and can cause invasive disease.

Our goal is to help identify emerging pathogenic Kp lineages, and to make it easy for people who are using genomic surveillance to monitor for antibiotic resistance to also look out for the convergence of antibiotic resistance and virulence. To help facilitate that, in this repo we share code for genotyping virulence and resistance genes in K. pneumoniae. A table of pre-computed results for 2500 public Klebs genomes is also provided in the data directory.


Software requirements:

  • Python (either 2.7 or 3)
  • setuptools (required to install Kleborate)
    • To install: pip install setuptools
  • BLAST+ command line tools (makeblastdb, blastn, etc.)
    • Version 2.2.30 or later is needed, as earlier versions have a bug with the culling_limit parameter.
  • Mash is required to use the --species option

As input, Kleborate takes Klebsiella genome assemblies (either completed or draft). If you have unassembled reads, try assembling them with our Unicycler assembler which works great on Illumina or hybrid Illumina + Nanopore/PacBio reads).


Kleborate can be installed to your system for easy usage:

git clone --recursive
cd Kleborate
python install
kleborate -h

Alternatively, you can clone and run Kleborate without installation directly from its source directory:

git clone --recursive
Kleborate/ -h

Basic usage

Screen some genomes for MLST and virulence loci:
kleborate -o results.txt -a *.fasta

Also screen for resistance genes:
kleborate --resistance -o results.txt -a *.fasta

Turn on all of Kleborate's optional screens (resistance genes, species check and both K and O loci):
kleborate --all -o results.txt -a *.fasta

Full usage

usage: kleborate -a ASSEMBLIES [ASSEMBLIES ...] [-r] [-s] [--kaptive_k]
                 [--kaptive_o] [-k] [--all] [-o OUTFILE]
                 [--kaptive_k_outfile KAPTIVE_K_OUTFILE]
                 [--kaptive_o_outfile KAPTIVE_O_OUTFILE] [-h] [--version]

Kleborate: a tool for characterising virulence and resistance in Klebsiella

Required arguments:
                        FASTA file(s) for assemblies

Screening options:
  -r, --resistance      Turn on resistance genes screening (default: no
                        resistance gene screening)
  -s, --species         Turn on Klebsiella species identification (requires
                        Mash, default: no species identification)
  --kaptive_k           Turn on Kaptive screening of K loci (default: do not
                        run Kaptive for K loci)
  --kaptive_o           Turn on Kaptive screening of O loci (default: do not
                        run Kaptive for O loci)
  -k, --kaptive         Equivalent to --kaptive_k --kaptive_o
  --all                 Equivalent to --resistance --species --kaptive

Output options:
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        File for detailed output (default:
  --kaptive_k_outfile KAPTIVE_K_OUTFILE
                        File for full Kaptive K locus output (default: do not
                        save Kaptive K locus results to separate file)
  --kaptive_o_outfile KAPTIVE_O_OUTFILE
                        File for full Kaptive O locus output (default: do not
                        save Kaptive O locus results to separate file)

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  --version             Show program's version number and exit

Screening details


Multilocus sequencing typing of Klebsiella follows the schemes described at the Klebsiella pneumoniae BIGSdb hosted at the Pasteur Institute. The alleles and schemes are stored in the data directory of this repository.

Some notes on Kleborate's MLST calls:

  • Kleborate makes an effort to report the closest matching ST / clonal group if a precise match is not found.
  • Imprecise allele matches are indicated with a *.
  • Imprecise ST calls are indicated with -nLV, where n indicates the number of loci that disagree with the ST reported. So 258-1LV indicates a single-locus variant of (SLV) of ST258, i.e. 6/7 loci match ST258.

Virulence loci

We recently explored the diversity of the Kp integrative conjugative element (ICEKp), which mobilises the yersiniabactin locus ybt, using genomic analysis of a diverse set of 2498 Kp (see this preprint). Overall, we found ybt in about a third of all Kp genomes and clb in about 14%. We identified 17 distinct lineages of ybt embedded within 14 structural variants of ICEKp (some of which include the colibactin clb or salmochelin iro synthesis loci, annotated reference sequences for each ICEKp variant are included in the data directory of this repository) that can integrate at any of four tRNA-Asn sites in the chromosome. Three of these 17 lineages were associated with three distinct lineages of colibactin. Our analyses reveal hundreds of ICEKp transmission events affecting hundreds of chromosomal Kp lineages, including nearly two dozen transfers into the globally disseminated carbapenem-resistant clonal group 258. Additionally, we identify a lineage of ybt that is plasmid-encoded, representing a new mechanism for ybt dispersal in Kp populations. Based on this analysis, we developed a MLST-style approach for identifying virulence loci from genome data.

We further explored the genetic diversity of the aerobactin (iuc) and salmochelin (iro) loci, both of which are often mobilised together by plasmids, and occasionally found on the chromosome (iro with ybt mobilised by ICEKp1 and a chromosomal iuc locus associated with ST67 Kp subsp rhinoscleromatis). We developed a MLST-style typing scheme for these loci, and identified five iro and six iuc lineages. Some of these lineages (iuc3B and iuc4) associated with novel plasmids that have not yet been previously described in Kp, and plasmids which were homologous to E. coli antimicrobial resistance plasmids with iuc1 and iro1. The most common represented plasmid lineages were those related to the virulence plasmid pK2044 from NTUH-K2044 (iuc2 and iro3) and Kp52.145 plasmid II from Kp52.145 (iuc3B and iro4). ICEKp1 was associated with iro5 and Kp subsp rhinoscleromatis with iuc5.

Kleborate examines four different virulence loci in Klebsiella: yersiniabactin (ybt), colibactin (clb), aerobactin (iuc) and salmochelin (iro).

  • For each virulence locus, Kleborate will call the sequence type using the same logic as the MLST described above.
  • If the locus is not detected, Kleborate reports the ST as 0 and the lineage as -.
  • Kleborate will also report the lineage associated with the virulence sequence types (and for yersiniabactin, ICEKp structure as well).

Other virulence genes

In addition to the virulence loci, Kleborate screens for the rmpA and rmpA2 genes which result in a hypermucoid phenotype by upregulating capsule production.

  • Results in these columns should be interpreted as simply binary yes/no calls.
  • By default, a gene is called as present if it is detected in a single sequence with >90% identity and >80% coverage of the allele sequence from the virulence plasmid pLVPK. Note that rmpA and rmpA2 are ~85% homologous and are reported separately.
  • If multiple hits to the same query sequence are found in a given assembly, we attempt to report these separately. The NTUH-K2044 genome carries rmpA in two locations (one on the virulence plasmid, one in the ICEKp1), and this should be reported as rmpA;rmpA as seen in the example above.

Resistance gene detection

By using the --resistance option, Kleborate will screen for resistance genes against the ARG-Annot database of acquired resistance genes (SRST2 version), which includes allelic variants. It attempts to report the best matching variant for each locus in the genome:

  • Imprecise allele matches are indicated with *.
  • If the length of match is less than the length of the reported allele (i.e. a partial match), this is indicated with ?.
  • Note that narrow spectrum beta-lactamases AmpH and SHV () are core genes in K. pneumoniae and so should be detected in most genomes.
    • These genes include: SHV (K. pneumoniae), LEN (K. variicola), OKP (K. quasipneumoniae) and AmpH (all of the above species)
    • See this paper for more information.
  • Note that oqxAB are also core genes in K. pneumoniae, but have been removed from this version of the ARG-Annot DB as they don't actually confer resistance to fluoroquinolones

Using the --resistance option also turns on screening for resistance-conferring mutations:

  • Fluoroquinolone resistance SNPs: GyrA 83 & 87 and ParC 80 & 84.
  • Colistin resistance due to truncation or loss of MgrB or (less than 90% gene coverage counts as a truncation/loss).

All resistance results (both for the gene screen and mutation screen) are grouped by drug class (according to the ARG-Annot DB), with beta-lactamases broken down into Lahey classes, as follows:

  • AGly (aminoglycosides)
  • Bla (beta-lactamases)
  • Bla_broad (broad spectrum beta-lactamases)
  • Bla_broad_inhR (broad spectrum beta-lactamases with resistance to beta-lactamase inhibitors)
  • Bla_Carb (carbapenemase)
  • Bla_ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamases)
  • Bla_ESBL_inhR (extended spectrum beta-lactamases with resistance to beta-lactamase inhibitors)
  • Fcyn (fosfomycin)
  • Flq (fluoroquinolones)
  • Gly (glycopeptides)
  • MLS (macrolides)
  • Phe (phenicols)
  • Rif (rifampin)
  • Sul (sulfonamides)
  • Tet (tetracyclines)
  • Tmt (trimethoprim)

Scores and counts

Kleborate outputs a simple categorical virulence score, and if resistance screening is enabled, an antimicrobial resistance score as well. These scores provide a rough categorisation of the strains to facilitate monitoring resistance-virulence convergence:

  • The virulence score ranges from 0 to 5:
    • 0 = no virulence loci
    • 1 = yersiniabactin only
    • 2 = yersiniabactin and colibactin, or colibactin only
    • 3 = aerobactin and/or salmochelin only (without yersiniabactin or colibactin)
    • 4 = aerobactin and/or salmochelin with yersiniabactin (without colibactin)
    • 5 = yersiniabactin, colibactin and aerobactin and/or salmochelin
  • The resistance score ranges from 0 to 3:
    • 0 = no ESBL, no carbapenemase (regardless of colistin resistance)
    • 1 = ESBL, no carbapenemase (regardless of colistin resistance)
    • 2 = Carbapenemase without colistin resistance (regardless of ESBL)
    • 3 = Carbapenemase with colistin resistance (regardless of ESBL)

When resistance screening is enabled, Kleborate also quantifies how many resistance genes are present and how many resistance classes have at least one gene. Since a resistance class can have multiple genes (as is often the case for the intrinsic genes in the Bla class), the gene count is typically higher than the class count.

Klebsiella species

By using the --species option, Kleborate will attempt to identify the species of Klebsiella. It does this by comparing the assembly using Mash to a curated set of Klebsiella assemblies from NCBI and reporting the species of the closest match. Kleborate considers a Mash distance of ≤ 0.01 to be a strong species match. A distance of > 0.01 and ≤ 0.03 is a weak match and might indicate that your sample is a novel lineage or a hybrid between multiple Klebsiella species.

Here is an annotated tree of the reference assemblies, made by mashtree:

Klebsiella species tree

Kleborate is designed for the well-studied group of species at the top right of the tree which includes the 'big three': pneumoniae, quasipneumoniae (two subspecies) and variicola. K. quasivariicola is more recently characterised and described here: Long 2017. The Kp5 group does not yet have a species name and was described in this paper: Blin 2017. More distant Klebsiella species (oxytoca, michiganensis, grimontii and aerogenes) are also included, but the virulence profiles of these are less well characterised and deserve further attention.

Kleborate will also call other species in Enterobacteriaceae, as different species sometimes end up in Klebsiella collections. These names are again assigned based on the clades in a mashtree, but were not as carefully curated as the Klebsiella species (so take them with a grain of salt).

Capsule typing

By default, Kleborate will report the closest match amongst the wzi alleles in the BIGSdb. This is a marker of capsule locus (KL) type, which is highly predictive of capsule (K) serotype. Although there is not a 1-1 relationship between wzi allele and KL/K type, there is a strong correlation (see Wyres et al, MGen 2016). The wzi allele can provide a handy way of spotting the virulence-associated types (wzi=K1, wzi2=K2, wzi5=K5); or spotting capsule switching within clones, e.g. you can tell which ST258 lineage you have from the wzi type (wzi154: the main lineage II; wzi29: recombinant lineage I; others: probably other recombinant lineages).

You can optionally turn on capsule typing using the dedicated capsule typing tool Kaptive:

  • --kaptive_k turns on Kaptive screening of the K locus
  • --kaptive_o turns on Kaptive screening of the O locus
  • --kaptive turns on both (is equivalent to --kaptive_k --kaptive_o)

This will significantly increase the runtime of Kleborate, but provide much more detailed information about the K and/or O loci and their genes.

Example output

Test data

Run these commands to download some well-known Klebsiella genomes and run Kleborate with all optional screens enabled:

wget -O NTUH-K2044.fasta.gz
wget -O Klebs_HS11286.fasta.gz
wget -O MGH78578.fasta.gz

kleborate  --all -o results.txt -a *.fasta.gz

Concise results (stdout)

These are the concise Kleborate results that it prints to the terminal:

strain species ST virulence_score resistance_score Yersiniabactin YbST Colibactin CbST Aerobactin AbST Salmochelin SmST hypermucoidy wzi K_locus K_locus_confidence O_locus O_locus_confidence AGly Col Fcyn Flq Gly MLS Ntmdz Phe Rif Sul Tet Tmt Bla Bla_Carb Bla_ESBL Bla_ESBL_inhR Bla_broad Bla_broad_inhR
Klebs_HS11286 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST11 1 2 ybt 9; ICEKp3 15 - 0 - 0 - 0 - wzi74 KL103 Very high O2v1 Very high StrB;StrA*;AadA2*;RmtB;Aac3-IId*? - - ParC-80I;GyrA-83I - - - - - SulII TetG DfrA12? AmpH* KPC-2 CTX-M-14;CTX-M-14 - SHV-11 TEM-30*;TEM-30*;TEM-30*
MGH78578 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST38 0 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - wzi50 KL52 Perfect OL101 High AadA1-pm*?;Aac6-Ib;StrB;Aph3''Ia;StrA;AadB - - GyrA-83Y - - - CmlA5;CatA1* - SulI;SulII TetD - AmpH*;SHV-187*;OXA-9* - SHV-12 - - TEM-54*;TEM-30*
NTUH-K2044 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST23 3 0 ybt 2; ICEKp1 326 - 0 iuc 2 1 iro 5 18-1LV rmpA;rmpA wzi1 KL1 Perfect O1v2 Very high - - - - - - - - - - - - AmpH;SHV-190* - - - - -

Full results (file)

Here are the full Kleborate results, written to results.txt:

strain species species_match contig_count N50 largest_contig ST virulence_score resistance_score num_resistance_classes num_resistance_genes Yersiniabactin YbST Colibactin CbST Aerobactin AbST Salmochelin SmST hypermucoidy wzi K_locus K_locus_problems K_locus_confidence K_locus_identity K_locus_missing_genes O_locus O_locus_problems O_locus_confidence O_locus_identity O_locus_missing_genes Chr_ST gapA infB mdh pgi phoE rpoB tonB ybtS ybtX ybtQ ybtP ybtA irp2 irp1 ybtU ybtT ybtE fyuA clbA clbB clbC clbD clbE clbF clbG clbH clbI clbL clbM clbN clbO clbP clbQ AGly Col Fcyn Flq Gly MLS Ntmdz Phe Rif Sul Tet Tmt Bla Bla_Carb Bla_ESBL Bla_ESBL_inhR Bla_broad Bla_broad_inhR
Klebs_HS11286 Klebsiella pneumoniae strong 7 5333942 5333942 ST11 1 2 9 17 ybt 9; ICEKp3 15 - 0 - 0 - 0 - wzi74 KL103 * Very high 96.69% O2v1 none Very high 97.72% ST11 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 14 11 14 5 9 22 19 10 5 11 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - StrB;StrA*;AadA2*;RmtB;Aac3-IId*? - - ParC-80I;GyrA-83I - - - - - SulII TetG DfrA12? AmpH* KPC-2 CTX-M-14;CTX-M-14 - SHV-11 TEM-30*;TEM-30*;TEM-30*
MGH78578 Klebsiella pneumoniae strong 6 5315120 5315120 ST38 0 1 7 15 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - wzi50 KL52 none Perfect 100.00% OL101 * High 94.91% ST38 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AadA1-pm*?;Aac6-Ib;StrB;Aph3''Ia;StrA;AadB - - GyrA-83Y - - - CmlA5;CatA1* - SulI;SulII TetD - AmpH*;SHV-187*;OXA-9* - SHV-12 - - TEM-54*;TEM-30*
NTUH-K2044 Klebsiella pneumoniae strong 2 5248520 5248520 ST23 3 0 0 0 ybt 2; ICEKp1 326 - 0 iuc 2 1 iro 5 18-1LV rmpA;rmpA wzi1 KL1 none Perfect 100.00% O1v2 none Very high 99.13% ST23 2 1 1 1 9 4 12 9 7 9 6 5 1 1 6 7 7 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AmpH;SHV-190* - - - - -

Typing from Illumina reads

MLST assignment can also be achieved direct from reads using SRST2:

  • Download the YbST and CbST allele sequences and profile tables from the data directory in this repository.
  • Install SRST2 if you don't already have it (git clone
  • Run SRST2, setting the --mlst_scheme and --mlst_definitions to point to the YbST or CbST allele sequences and profile tables.

Note that currently you can only run SRST2 with one MLST scheme at a time, so in order to type MLST, YbST and CbST you will need to run three separate commands:

srst2 --input_pe reads_1.fastq.gz reads_2.fastq.gz --output YbST --log --mlst_db ybt_alleles.fasta --mlst_definitions YbST_profiles.txt
srst2 --input_pe reads_1.fastq.gz reads_2.fastq.gz --output CbST --log --mlst_db clb_alleles.fasta --mlst_definitions CbST_profiles.txt
srst2 --input_pe reads_1.fastq.gz reads_2.fastq.gz --output Klebs --log --mlst_db Klebsiella_pneumoniae.fasta --mlst_definitions kpnuemoniae.txt

Contact us

Kleborate is under active development with many other Klebs genomic analysis tools and projects in progress.

Please get in touch via the GitHub issues tracker if you have any issues, questions or ideas.

For more on our lab, including other software, see


GNU General Public License, version 3

Stop! Kleborate and listen
ICEKp is back with my brand-new invention
If there was a problem, Klebs'll solve it
Check out the hook while Klebs evolves it


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  • Python 98.8%
  • Shell 1.2%