Hi-hi, I'm qafitmaksum, since anonymity is important in crypto, I hide my real name. Thanks for understanding
- I am a validator of many projects and I am glad that you turned your attention to me
- 🔗I am working on my own crypto project, but I need a lot of time.
- The languages I am fluent in are Ukrainian and Russian, I also speak English and German well
- 👤I participated in Goldfinch FA.
- 🎨I made content for some projects: NYM, Aptos, Ironfish, Massa, Forta
- This is my experience in various projects, such roles I got there NYM - I'm an active validator on the mainnet and testnet, Aptos - an active validator, Forta - was an active testnet validator, Ironfish - was an ambassador
- I ran node:
- https://ironfish.network/
- https://nymtech.net/
- https://aptoslabs.com/
- https://massa.net/
- https://forta.org/