CoreDiff: Contextual Error-Modulated Generalized Diffusion Model for Low-Dose CT Denoising and Generalization
This is the official implementation of the paper "CoreDiff: Contextual Error-Modulated Generalized Diffusion Model for Low-Dose CT Denoising and Generalization". The pre-print version can be found in arxiv; the published version can be found in TMI.
- Jan, 2025: Updated the code for simulating low-dose CT data.
- Oct, 2024: Uploaded the pre-trained model on the original Mayo 2016 'DICOM' format data (25% dose): ema_model-150000.
- Dec, 2023: Updated the code for preprocessing the original Mayo 2016 "DICOM" format data (
) and its corresponding training demo (
). - Oct, 2023: initial commit.
- The AAPM-Mayo dataset can be found from: Mayo 2016.
- The "Low Dose CT Image and Projection Data" can be found from Mayo 2020.
- The Piglet Dataset can be found from: SAGAN.
- The Phantom Dataset can be found from: XNAT.
Please check
for training script (or
for inference script) once the data is well prepared. Specify the setting in the script, and simply run it in the terminal.
For one-shot learning framework,please check
for training script (or
for inference script)
These curves are calculated based on our simulated 5% dose data.
- Linux Platform
- python==3.8.13
- cuda==10.2
- torch==1.10.1
- torchvision=0.11.2
- numpy=1.23.1
- scipy==1.10.1
- h5py=3.7.0
- pydicom=2.3.1
- natsort=8.2.0
- scikit-image=0.21.0
- einops=0.4.1
- tqdm=4.64.1
- wandb=0.13.3
- Our codebase builds heavily on DU-GAN and Cold Diffusion. Thanks for open-sourcing!
- Low-dose CT data simulation refers to LD-CT-simulation. Thanks for open-sourcing!
If you find our work and code helpful, please kindly cite the corresponding paper:
title={CoreDiff: Contextual Error-Modulated Generalized Diffusion Model for Low-Dose CT Denoising and Generalization},
author={Gao, Qi and Li, Zilong and Zhang, Junping and Zhang, Yi and Shan, Hongming},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},