This is a meta repo documenting all of the Unity packages I'm maintaining.
Unity 2021.3+. Will likely work on earlier versions but this is the version I tested with.
Most packages are URP/HDRP agnostic, aside from anything in the rendering section. You may have to fix some materials in the SharedSampleAssets.
Use the Package Manager and use Add package from git URL, using any of the following .git URLs. Some packages have dependencies, check the documentation.
Most packages come with samples demonstrating functionality and providing a starting point for further development.
Shared Sample Assets: A collection of shared assets used in the following packages.
Editor Tools: A collection of useful editor tools focused on organization, level design, and lighting.
Terrain Automation: Rapidly iterate on terrain designs by procedurally placing trees and details based on height and splat maps generated through apps like Gaea.
Game Events: A scriptable object based inspector editable event system useful for decoupling prefabs across scenes.
UI Components: A collection of useful UI components with a functional main menu / gameplay sample scenes.
Character Movement: 3D and 2D movement components with sample scenes for a variety of movement setups.
Local Multiplayer: A functional local multiplayer setup with a player join screen. Uses CharacterMovement and GameEvents packages.
Renderer Features: A collection of URP renderer features.
FMOD Extensions: A collection of scripts useful for playing FMOD audio in Unity.
Debug Menu: An extensible debug menu.
Object Pooling: A lazy initialized object pooling system built on Unity's Pooling collections.
HLOD System: A fork of the Unity HLOD package with the mesh UnityMeshSimplifier scripts added to avoid Git sub-modules.