A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range.
A collection of awesome loading animations
📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
[EXPERIMENTAL] Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad. 【 Github下载不了/下载慢 可以访问国内下载地址:】
A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
Notes of Advanced Swift. 《swift进阶》学习笔记 swift 5.3
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
🐔 Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
A skeleton screen loading framework based on native for iOS. (一个由iOS原生组件映射出骨架屏的框架,包含快速植入,低耦合,兼容复杂视图等特点,提供国内主流骨架屏动画的加载方案,同时支持上拉加载更多、自定制动画。)
A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
Objective-C wrapper for OpenVPN library. Compatible with iOS and macOS.
SHLineGraphView is a simple and efficient reusable UIView subview which you can use to create line graphs. It uses Core Graphics and Core Animation to create the light weight graphs. it is easy to …
A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
HWPanModal presents controller from bottom and drag to dismiss, high customize. iOS13 default modalPresentationStyle. 任意形式的底部弹框动画;头条、知乎、抖音弹出评论效果;地图浮层,iOS13 present默认模态效果。
PDF Reader for iOS written in Swift