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The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
Some commonly used javascript methods - 一些常用的 JS 方法
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
three+vue3<tres> : An open-source framework that enables rapid implementation of your 3D visualization projects [tres.js three.js vue3 ts]
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)
An event-based global state management tool for vue, react, mini-program, ect.
About a modern Vue Admin. It is based on Vue3 and TSX,It's flexible
🦀💨 A fast Rspack-based static site generator.
The Rspack-based build tool. It's fast, out-of-the-box and extensible.
Let's start changing your profile. (Readme Profile Collection)
⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
一些非常有趣的python爬虫例子,对新手比较友好,主要爬取淘宝、天猫、微信、微信读书、豆瓣、QQ等网站。(Some interesting examples of python crawlers that are friendly to beginners. )
☀️ A crafted admin template「vue admin / vue template / vue3 admin / vue3 template / vue3 后台 / vue3 模板」
A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.