The code for ACL-2021 Long Paper Hierarchy-aware Label Semantics Matching Network for Hierarchical Text Classification
PyTorch==1.4.0, sklearn, tqdm, transformers
Transform your dataset to json format file {'token': List[str], 'label': List[str]}
You can refer to data_modules/, and here is the WOS dataset Google Drive after preprocessing.
Preprocess the taxnomy format (data/wos.taxnomy and data/wos_prob_child_parent.json)
Extract Label Prior Probability
python helper/ config/wos.json
We use classic TD-IDF to extract the representative words for each label.
In our follow-up actual practice, we found that introducing richer label representations is beneficial for further improvement.
Modify the training settings in config/wos.json.
python config/wos-bert.json
python config/wos.json
Hyperparamter Description
sample_num: 2. The averge label number of WOS is 2. For every positive label, we all regard them as positive label index and construct matching pairs.
negative_ratio: 3. Coarse-grained label, wrong sibling label and other wrong label.
total_sample_num: 2*3=6.
The experimental settings on EURLEX-57K: KAMG
The experimental settings on BERT: Bert-Multi-Label-Text-Classification
title = "Hierarchy-aware Label Semantics Matching Network for Hierarchical Text Classification",
author = "Chen, Haibin and Ma, Qianli and Lin, Zhenxi and Yan, Jiangyue",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
year = "2021",
url = "",
pages = "4370--4379"