A customized view to play sprite sheet animation 查看中文版本
app:sprite_sheet="@drawable/antelope" // Sprite sheet resource ID
app:frame_count="4" // Frame count (3 by default)
app:frame_width="80dp" // Each frame's width (300 by default)
app:frame_height="80dp" // Each frame's height (150 by default)
app:frame_duration="100" // Each frame's duration (100ms by default)
app:start_frame="0" // Start frame index (0 by default)
app:row_count="2" // Sprite sheet's row count (1 by default)
app:row_index="1" // Indicate which row of the sprite sheet should be used (0 by default)
app:offset_per_second="250" // Moved offset per second (250 by default)
app:position="0" // Initial offset on the sprite sheet (0 by default)
app:in_place="false" // Play animation in loop or not (true by default)
app:touch_to_move="false" // Trigger the animation via touch event or not (false by default)
app:direction="right-to-left" // Move direction (left-to-right by default)
// In source code
SpriteAnimationView spriteAnimationView = findViewById(R.id.animation_view);