Official code for "Structured Bird’s-Eye-View Traffic Scene Understanding from Onboard Images" (ICCV 2021)
We provide support for Nuscenes and Argoverse datasets.
- Make sure you have installed Nuscenes and/or Argoverse devkits and datasets installed
- In configs/deafults.yml file, set the paths
- Run the file for the dataset you want to use
- If you want to use zoom augmentation (only for Nuscenes currently), run src/data/nuscenes/ (Set the path to save the .npy file in the
- You can use for training the transformer based model or to train the Polygon-RNN based model
- We recommend using the Cityscapes pretrained Deeplab model (link provided below) as backbone for training your own model
- Validator files can be used for testing. The link to trained models are given below.
Cityscapes trained Deeplabv3 model is at:
Nuscenes trained Polygon-RNN based model is at:
Nuscenes trained Transformer based model is at:
The implementation of the metrics can be found in src/utils/ Please refer to the paper for explanations on the metrics.