1.Do some data cleaning on Chinese and English texts respectively
2.Do something about the data imbalance
3.Use automated feature filtering
4.Automated processing of long and short text
We tried hashingvctorizer to reduce the dimension of long text and to deal with sparse short text densely
5.Character level tf-idf is used for feature selection in Chinese, while word level feature selection is used in English
1.Stratified sampling based on incremental model
2.Oversampling of the sampled samples
3.Control the proportion of training sample class quantity
4.Oversampling is carried out for the categories with too small data volume
Unbalanced category of automatic adjustment
Number of iterations of automatic search model
Automatic search for superparameters
Use the cross-validation generator and estimate the calibration of training samples and test samples for each split model parameter
Then average the probability of folding prediction
Since these probabilities are not always consistent, post-processing is performed to normalize them.