This repository contains the course files for my Kubernetes course on Udemy:
docker --version
docker build .
docker run -p 3000:3000 -it <image-id>
curl localhost:3000
docker login
docker images
docker tag <image-id> your-login/docker-demo
docker tag <image-id> your-login/docker-demo:latest
docker push your-login/docker-demo
# get information about all running pods
kubectl get pod
# descibe one pod
kubectl describe pod <pod>
# Expose the port of a pod(creates a new service)
kubectl expose pod <pod> --port=444 --name=frontend
# port forward the exposed pod port to your local machine
kubectl port-forward <pod> 8080
# attach to the pod
kubectl attach <podname> -i
# Execute a command on the pod
kubectl exec <pod> -- command
# add a new label to a pod
kubectl lable pods <pod> mylabel=awesome
# Run a shell in a pod -very useful for debugging
kubectl run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never --sh
git clone
cd kubernetes-course
kubectl get node
cat first-app/hello-world.yaml
kubectl -f first-app/hello-world.yaml
kubectl get pod
kubectl describe pod <pod>
kubectl port-foward <pod> 8081:3000
curl localhost:8081
kubectl expose pod <pod> --type=NodePortn --name <pod>-service
kubectl get service
cat kubernetes-course/replication-controller/helloworld-repl-controller.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-course/replication-controller/helloworld-repl-controller.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectk describe pod <pod>
kubectl delete pod <pod>
# it will have 4 pods
kubectl scale --replicas=4 -f kubernetes-course/replication-controller/helloworld-repl-controller.yaml
kubectl get rc
# set replica = 1
kubectl scale --replicas=1 rc/replication-controller
kubectl get pods
# delete replica
kubectl delete rc/replication-controller
# Get information on current deployments
kubectl get deployments
# Get information about the replica sets
kubectl get rs
# get pods, and also show labels attached to those pods
kubectl get pods --show-labels
# Get deployment status
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
# Run k8s-demo with the image label version 2
kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=k8s-demo:2
# Edit the deployment object
kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment
# Get status of the rollout
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
# Get the rollout history
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
# Rollback to previous version
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment
# Rollback to any version
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment --to-revision=n
# change wardviaene to qingjiezhao
cat deployment/helloworld.yml
kubectl create -f deployment/helloworld.yml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get rs
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods --show-labels
kubectl rollout status deployments/helloworld-deployment
kubectl expose deployment helloworld-deployment --type=NodePort
kubectl get service
kubectl describe service helloworld-deployment
kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8-demo=qingjiezhao/k8s-demo:2
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment
# set revisionHistoryLimit: 10
kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=qingjiezhao/k8s-demo:2
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=qingjiezhao/k8s-demo:1
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment --to-revision=2
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment
cat deployment/helloworld-nodeselector.yml
ubectl get nodes --show-labels
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod helloworld-deployment-6655b48c56-54ppl
kubectl get nodes
kubectl label nodes ip-172-20-33-13.ec2.internal hardware=high-spec
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
cat deployment/helloworld-healthcheck.yml
kubectl create -f deployment/helloworld-healthcheck.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod helloworld-deployment-689656bb4d-cmdjj
kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment
kubectl create -f helloworld-healthcheck.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl create -f helloworld-liveness-readiness.yml
kubectl get pods
brew install watch
kubectl create -f lifecycle.yaml
kubectl exec -it lifecycle-57596644f4-k7vll -- cat /timing
kubectl exec -it lifecycle-57596644f4-k7vll -- tail /timing -f
cat deployment/helloworld-secrets.yml
kubectl create -f deployment/helloworld-secrets.yml
cat deployment/helloworld-secrets-volumes.yml
kubectl create -f deployment/helloworld-secrets-volumes.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod/helloworld-deployment-596cb56f6d-55fbt
#get in the shell of docker
kubectl exec helloworld-deployment-596cb56f6d-55fbt -i -t -- /bin/bash
cat /etc/creds/username
cat /etc/creds/password
ls /run/secrets/
kubectl create -f wordpress/wordpress-secrets.yml
kubectl create -f wordpress/wordpress-single-deployment-no-volumes.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod wordpress-deployment-9cb886cf6-dr9kl
kubectl apply -f
kubectl create -f sample-user.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep admin-user
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret admin-user-token-<id displayed by previous command>!/storageclass?namespace=default
cat configmap/reverseproxy.conf
kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=configmap/reverseproxy.conf
kubectl get configmap
kubectl get configmap nginx-config -o yaml
cat configmap/nginx.yml
kubectl create -f configmap/nginx.yml
kubectl create -f configmap/nginx-service.yml
kubectl exec -i -t helloworld-nginx -c nginx -- bash
cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/reverseproxy.conf
aws ec2 create-volume --size 10 --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1a --volume-type gp2 --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=volume, Tags=[{Key=KubernetesCluster,}]'
# add vol-02379fe282d21a7e3
vi volumes/helloworld-with-volume.yml
kubectl create -f volumes/helloworld-with-volume.yml
kubectl get pod
kubectl describe pod helloworld-deployment-687844d5c4-mzkjz
kubectl exec helloworld-deployment-687844d5c4-mzkjz -i -t -- bash
ls -ahl /myvol/
echo 'test' > /myvol/myvol.txt
echo 'test2' > /test.txt
ls -ahl /myvol/myvol.txt
ls -ahl /test.txt
#get node info when kubectl describe pod helloworld-deployment-687844d5c4-mzkjz
kubectl drain ip-172-20-33-13.ec2.internal --force
kubectl get pod
kubectl describe pod helloworld-deployment-687844d5c4-czt78
kubectl exec helloworld-deployment-687844d5c4-czt78 -i -t -- bash
ls -ahl /myvol/
ls -ahl /myvol/myvol.txt
ls -ahl /test.txt
# remove volume
vi volumes/helloworld-with-volume.yml
aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id vol-02379fe282d21a7e3
kubectl delete -f volumes/helloworld-with-volume.yml
kops version
cd pod-presets
# create a cluster
kops create cluster --state=s3://... --zones=eu-east-1a --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro
cat README.txt
kops edit cluster
and add sepc part into
kops update cluster --yes --state=s3://...
kubectl get nodes
cat pod-presets.yaml
cat deployments.yaml
kubectl create -f pod-presets.yaml
kubectl get podpresets
kubectl create -f deployments.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl descibe pod .... | less
#auto scaling
ls autoscaling/
cat autoscaling/hpa-example.yml
kubectl create -f autoscaling/hpa-example.yml
kubectl get hpa
kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --image=busybox /bin/sh
wget http://hpa-example.default.svc.cluster.local:31001
while true; do wget -q -0- wget http://hpa-example.default.svc.cluster.local:31001; done
kubectl get hpa
kubectl get pod
#create namespace
kubectl create namespace myspace
#list namespace
kubectl get namespaces
#set a default namespace to launch resources in
export CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view | awk '/current-context/ {point $2}')
kubectl config set-context $CONTEXT --namespace=myspace
requests.cpu: "1"
limits.cpu: "2"
persistentvolumeclaims: "4"
replicationcontrollers: "20"
secrets: "10"
services: "10"
services.loadbalancers: "2"
cat resourcequotas/resourcequota.yml
kubectl create -f resourcequotas/resourcequota.yml
cat resourcequotas/helloworld-no-quotas.yml
kubectl create -f resourcequotas/helloworld-no-quotas.yml
kubectl get deploy --namespace=myspace
kubectl get rs --namespace=myspace
kubectl describe rs/... --namespace=myspace
kubectl delete deploy/helloworld-deployment --namespace=myspace
cat resourcequotas/helloworld-with-quotas.yml
kubectl create -f resourcequotas/helloworld-with-quotas.yml
kubectl get pod --namespace=myspace
kubectl get rs --namespace=myspace
kubectl describe rs/... --namespace=myspace
kubectl get quota --namespace=myspace
kubectl describe quota/compute-quota --namespace=myspace
kubectl delete deploy/helloworld-deployment --namespace=myspace
cat resourcequotas/defaults.yml
kubectl create -f resourcesquotas/default.yml
kubectl describe limits limits --namespace=myspace
kubectl create -f resourcequotas/helloworld-no-quotas.yml
kubectl get pods --namespace=myspace