##What is it?
IGUANA is both a program and an API framework for benchmarking SPARQL Endpoints. On one side it provides the ability to benchmark different SPARQL endpoints (e.g. triplestores) with given or generated datasets and predefined test cases on the other side it provides a framework and API to implement either a complete different benchmark or just parts of the benchmark (e.g. own test cases).
It should be...
- ...easy to use
- ...easy to configure
- ...easy to install
- ...understandable
- ...well documented
##The latest version
- The latest version can always be found under the master branch.
- The simple jar file will be the iguana-x.y.z.jar file.
- The whole benchmark will be the iguana-x.y.z-distribution.zip file.
The Changelog can be found here
The documentation consist of the javadoc and the manual.
Please see the file called INSTALL.
IGUANA is licensed under the MIT License Please see the file called LICENSE
The whole list of libraries we use and their licenses is stated in the file called LIBARIES
- If you want to be informed about new releases, bug fixes, ... about IGUANA subscribe to the github repository
- If you found a bug please report it here and please describe the bug as much as possible.
- If you want support please contact one of the contributors. We can't ensure you to help but at least you can ask us.