Hello, you are on a Rokot Project page
This project was created for the contest Can Sat 2017 in Russia.
The computer part is written on Python
Used Python libraries:
Used Arduino IDE library:
COMport - class for receiving and primary data from COM ports
The methods of this class:
def __init __ (self, port, bitrate):
This def initialize an instance
: Param port: port to which you want to connect, for example, com4, tty5
: Return self.struct
def _serialGet (self):
This def return serial data in this moment
: Return: str
: Return self.struct
def serialWrite (self, file, struct):
This def write packages to file
: Param file: file, which is to record
: Param struct: the package that you want to record
: Return: void
def readBytes (self, count, array = False, write = False, filename = ""):
This def read com packages and print their
: Param count: the number of packets that need to be read
: Param array: the output as an array
: Param write: write to the file
: Param filename: name of the file where to write the packets
: Return: void
def getTupleValues (self, bytes, sep = ","):
This def return data packages in tuple-form
: Param bytes: string in which one packet is recorded
: Param sep: separator in a package
: Return: tuple
def writeCoordinatesFromFile (self, fromf, to):
This def get limited packages from file, filter it and write coordinates in another file
: Param fromf: the file where data will be taken
: Param to: file, which will be recorded the coordinates
: Return: void